The Vestibular Autorotation Test can be used in a physician's office to test whether or not a senior has a vestibular dysfunction. According to the Vestibular Disorders Association, or VEDA, a vestibular dysfunction is typically marked by such side.
San Diego, CA, June 8, 2015 (Newswire.com) - – According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), fall-related injuries now and in the future will continue to impact the cost of health care for the elderly by billions of dollars annually. However, physicians who want to increase their revenue and reduce the costs to seniors can do so with a powerful and non-invasive device known as a Vestibular Autorotation Test or VAT for short.
The Vestibular Autorotation Test can be used in a physician’s office to test whether or not a senior has a vestibular dysfunction. According to the Vestibular Disorders Association, or VEDA, a vestibular dysfunction is typically marked by such side effects as dizziness or vertigo, spatial disorientation and imbalance, vison disturbances, changes in hearing, and psychological or cognitive changes. Other side effects may include a “seasick” type feeling in the head, fullness in the ear, slurred speech or headache.
ted by this Anciallary Medical Solutions offering to physicians who wish to obtain our advice and consultation about increasing their bottom line
Michael Berg, CEO
In turn, people affected by disorders of a vestibular nature may appear to others as overly anxious or inattentive. Some sufferers may have trouble with reading or solving simple math. Because these symptoms can be associated with falling, Ancillary Medical Solutions feels the Vestibular Autorotation Test is a very important device in making diagnoses of this nature.
That is why Ancillary Medical Solutions is completely dedicated to assisting health practices in providing quality care while lowering costs and beefing revenues.
A spokesperson from Anciallary Medical Solutions commented on the company’s latest venture in recommending the use of the Vestibular Autorotation in a general practice or specialized setting.
“Led by this Anciallary Medical Solutions offering to physicians who wish to obtain our advice and consultation about increasing their bottom line. For any doctor who treats geriatric patients, this solution in cutting costs and emphasizing care is one that surely will draw his attention toward increasing his bottom line.
Ancillary Medical Solutions provides a variety of medical solutions that enable physicians to significantly increase the revenue coming into their practices. The company’s advice and consultation extends to answering any inquiries about billing or practice management too. Other areas that are covered by the Ancillary Medical Solutions where practice costs can be cut include bio-tech, in-house laboratories, sleep apnea, toxicology and urodynamics, just to name a few.